What is Ancestral Healing & Systemic Constellation Therapy

What is Ancestral Healing
Systemic Constellation Therapy?
(Family, Nature & Business Constellations)

Ancestral Healing

Ancestral healing is the process of discovery, revealing and releasing inherited Blessings and Burdens, (negative beliefs, patterns, addictions, illnesses etc.) that have been passed down by our ancestors. We all have the oppurtunity to uncover both positive and negative issues that have been passed through the bloodlines from one generation to the next.

Ancestral Work
There are more than a few ways to work with ancestral/lineage healing. Below is an expanation of just some of the offerings provided to assist in this important awareness which allow us to find a deeper freedom in our own lives and beyond just us.

There are times when ancestral work is necessary for an individual to move forward on his/her path. The practitioner communicates with the ancestors of the client and offers healing or to be a bridge for information from the ancestors to the client. Types of healing that occur with ancestral work include communications, offerings, the lifting of family vows, promises, oaths or curses, removal of unhealthy contracts, patterns, offering healing to a deceased soul or group of souls in the family line, psychopomp practices and assisting the client in the completion of unfinished business.

Many challenges we carry in our life can be related to our family lineage. A deep release is discovered from doing this work. Addictions, depression, conditioning, fear, physical and emotional pain are just some of the challeges which heal when working with our ancestors in a respectful and honouring way. 

Also available in the field of working with our Ancestors is a practice called Systemic Constellation Therapy. 
Systemic Constellations, also known as a form of Family of Origin Healing, is a form of therapy which is one of the most effective in my opinion. It is "user friendly" for many who are not familiar with energy work and need a more "hands on" experiencial and visual approach. This type of technique can be used in family lineage healing and is also utilzed very effectively to heal the dynamics within a soul lineage, body, business or natural/elemental stucture as well. 

With similarity to the shamanic ancestral healing techniques, this form of therapy combines psychology, psychotherapy, existential phenomenology, the knowing field (Universal knowledge), clear visual and emotional understanding and acknowledgement.

A Systemic Constellation is a facilitated process that reveals hidden dynamics and resources that can bring resolution to internal issues within any relational system – personal, professional, organizational or natural.

Sometimes we find ourselves encountering experiences or repetitive behavior patterns that continue to persist in spite of our repeated attempts to find release and heal through various therapies and healing techniques. From the standpoint of constellation work this is viewed as an entanglement in someone else’s wounds or perhaps our own, from a previous life's, fate, heart ache, pain or trauma, this work acknowledges the phenomena of assuming the suffering of our lineage and or others. We receive and take on, the blessings and the burdens from our lineage and our past.

When a trauma has been denied acknowledgment, it may manifest randomly in a later generation, another member of the family repeats similar characteristics, longings or behaviors. Suicide attempts, addictions, unwanted pregnancies, abortion, loss of children, miscarraiges, life-threatening accidents or illnesses (both physical and mental), murder, etc. are all examples of some of the seemingly inexplicable patterns that might recur. We can carry those unresolved issues in our bodies, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, as a result it can show up in our lives as unbeneficial belief systems and behaviours. 

Systemic Constellation therapy is a transformational methodology that brings fundamental change at the personal, partnership, family, group and professional level. Often in a matter of hours, days or some weeks that would take years using traditional means.

The Process

Once the client has made a clear intent of resolution, they are instructed and guided to set up or recreate the relationships and dynamics of the issue with the utilization of the other participants in the workshop. The representatives then become antennae for the system energies of the issue in question.

Similar to shamanic ancestral work the constellaion is conducted outside of linear time in a space where the lines of past, present and future are dissolved. Scientists sometimes refer to this as the morphogenic field, “that which consists of all that is not matter”, where communication is instantaneous and unrestricted by time and space, quantum physics fits here too. This creates the possibility for us to work with the whole family, including both the deceased and those yet to be born. As with shamanism, this allows for the involvement of our ancestors and those who can assist from the Spirit realm, which then facilitates the possibility of identifying and overcoming family destinies that have repeated themselves for numerous generations. It is from this perspective that it becomes comprehendible that a representative, during the Constellation work, is able to perceive the feelings and emotions of absolute strangers, even when the person they are representing is deceased.

Once the representatives are in place inside the knowing feild, the facilitator notices the information available within that field. After re-positioning the representatives and adding key members of the system who have been forgotten or written out of the family history a healing resolution is reached. When every representative feels right in his or her place and the other representatives agree, the facilitator may suggest one or two statements to be spoken aloud. If the representatives do not feel at peace with their new position or sentences, they can move again or try a different statement. 

When the facilitator feels that the healing resolution has taken hold among the representatives, the seeker is invited to "replace his/her representative in the Constellation". This allows the seeker to perceive how it feels to be part of a reconfigured system. When everyone feels comfortable in their place, the Constellation concludes.

In my Constellation workshops I help participants clarify and release their physical, mental, emotional and energetic entanglements. With these healing insights I guide you to a place of acknowledgement, acceptance, forgiveness and love. This is especially effective when issues of mistrust, fear, anger or grief are the obstacles to movement. 
Concrete shifts in your emotional and physical bodies will result in a healed and renewed perspective, which allows you to make invaluable steps toward a healthier and happier life, it also is a very beneficial way to "clean house" before departing this world, for yourself and for your family.

"The souls of children and grandchildren are receptive to the unresolved traumas of their parents and grandparents, and to their repressed thoughts and feelings.  They take them into their own psyches.  These thoughts and feelings that the parents have been unable to integrate are internalized by the children and grandchildren and felt in their souls, as if they were their own.  In time they become mixed up with their own experiences.  Like a virus in computer software, they occupy the ego-programme of descendants once they are activated by triggering events.”  

(Franz Ruppert)

Walking, I am listening to a deeper way. Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me. Be still, they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands.
Lind Hogan (b. 1947)
Native American writer

Systemic Constellation Therapy
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