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A Systemic Constellation & Family of Origin Healing (J.C. December 2018)

Wanda Buchleitner-Garstad • Jan 09, 2019


This session started as many of them do, the client comes to me with a need but an inability to articulate what is truly at the core of their difficulty. Her intention was to remove what was blocking her freedom. Through the process of enquiry we find that the symptoms of the issue result in her inability to be open and trust in love relationships, she feels her freedom is blocked and is unable to move forward in her business, relationships and life. As the enquiry continues she realizes that there are many connections to this current issue and her body responses as we spoke, particularly at her neck and head. She has had throat, neck and head aches since she can remember.

Cellular memory and entanglements can profoundly effect us, in this work, it can be found in our current life’s past, a past life and or an ancestor's history, many times showing itself in our physical bodies as well as our experiences.

Once I had her set up the constellation with the chosen participants, we found that the source of the issue showed itself to be related to a past life.

Through the intricate and divine dance inside “The Knowing Field” the source of the issue became apparent as a past life entanglement effecting her freedom, emotional connections and communication. As the experience unfolded before us the client began to feel and see the entanglement was the result of a love triangle which resulted in the murder of herself and her lover in that previous life. The murderer being what was once also a beloved friend, that friend betrayed the client by killing her love and then her, by stabbing her in the back of the neck. The unresolved feelings and trauma of that relationship had resonated into this one and the energy of this previous friend was still present in her energy here, in this life. Her freedom was effected by the inability to trust, express herself, to move forward without the threat of betrayal, as well as, the energy of the murder still holding her back from life. This effected her personal life and also her business collaborations and partnerships. All resulting in blocks of growth and success.

Through healing statements, soul movements and karmic releasing this entanglement released with the great relief of not only the client but all involved inside the entanglement.

The result of this healing process brought a great physical release in the neck and throat of the client. Her ability to move and express in her body and her life has greatly changed, all this showing itself due to her intention to experience freedom. This effective work is still un-folding in her life and I look forward to hearing and giving an update as time progresses.

Big thanks to my client for sharing her experience, your care and courageousness is an example to us all !

If you experienced a healing with me and would like to share your experience please contact me, I would love to share your power story here too !

With Heart Wanda


Systemic Constellation / Family of Origin Healing’s are limitless & help you to become aware of issues/entanglements that are running as an under current due to family history, past lives and more, these issues effecting you in ways that can be hidden or if known, can feel bigger than yourself. There is a discovery process and the rest of the work, then allows the person, situation or event to disentangle/heal from these issues.

This work is an invitation to release issues that seem bigger than yourself, release what no longer serves you or the system you are working within (family, business or body) & find balance with success.

To learn more go to my website and or contact me for further information on the magic of Constellation Therapy !

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